CLOSETS Closets are spaces with lots of potential for major chaos and disorganization. They are definitely a challenge but once BOB FARKAS, THE CLUTTER WIZARD gets you organized you will gain a sense of calm and well-being at being able to access your belongings. THE CLUTTER WIZARD will... Check out each closet in its current state. Remove the contents of each closet --- clothes, shoes, accessories, boxes, linens, towels, loose items --- one at a time. Categorize each item. Decide if this is the right place to store this stuff. Help you decide what to toss, donate, recycle or keep. Make storage recommendations. Suggest new organizing features such as new shelves, hooks, bins. Move your stuff back into each closet in an organized fashion. Make the most productive use of your closet spaces by looking for any unused spaces and using them wisely.
A FEW CLOSET ORGANIZING TIPS FROM THE CLUTTER WIZARD Try on all your shoes to make sure that they still fit. Don't assume that they do. If you find that they are too small and don't fit properly anymore give them away or trash them. If you haven't worn a piece of clothing in a couple of years get rid of it. It's too old, too small or it has gone out of style. Keep sports equipment under control by putting a large empty container on the closet floor and don't let it overflow. If it does start considering what to keep and what to toss or donate. Install hooks low enough on the inside of the closet door so kids can hang up their own coats. Limit the number of towels in your linen closet. Make hard decisions about what you really use and donate the rest. Keep only two sheets, two comforters and two bedspreads per bed. Donate all the rest.